»CL9:-------------------------------------- »CL8: »BIG:Syndrome »SML: Master of the black art. »CL9:-------------------------------------- »CL0:Hello everyone, most of you probably don't even know me. So why the hell do I write an article. Well it is a response to the »CL8:Hardcore» article in »CL1:Eurochart 28». And I think »CL8:Tricktrax» has overseen what the core of the scene is. And why we keep on making demos. We keep making demos for fun, and some of us to shock others. »CL1:Syndrome» was formed because of »CL1:Tenshu» not being able to express himself when he was in »CL1:Apex». So he, »CL1:Bosco» and »CL1:Codac», left to form »CL1:Syndrome». So that is what »CL1:Syndrome» is all about. »PIC:Zack3» But lets get to the Demo, »CL1:Hardcore». Just to make one thing clear, it »CLA:RULEZ!!».. And if you havent seen it then get it. Okay you (»CL1:Tricktrax») said that it was Satanic. Hmmm where did you see that. The GFX are not satanic in any way, just that they include a beast and freak doesn't really show much of the satanist side really, or maybe you need to get some information on what satanism is. Satanism is a religion. And nothing else. The burning of a cross, it is not satanism, it's a form of expression. That the theme of the demo has something with death, yes I would agree with that. But to be correct the theme is more of suicide; but then what is wrong with that. Aren't you a bit tired of all the demos that are realesed these days. Only happy people in all of them and I think that »CL3:sucks». No real demos have been made for us who like the more gloomy side of things. The mod is not just big samples, the tune is rather good I would say, you just don't like the style, »CL1:Tricktrax». Just as I don't like techno. Maybe you would write the same thing about the 2 hip hop demos from »CL1:TP6». You have to respect that some sceners don't like the same things as you do. To go with the flow and follow the masses sucks. The code of »CL8:Hardcore» is among the best ever seen this year, in my opinion. Every one is a bit tired of the torus these days. So »CL1:Codac» included a human skull, whom I would belive »CL1:Tricktrax» did not like, as it represents death. But let's get real people: we are all going to die some time, »CL1:Ghandy» is first. So why not include it in our demos. »CL1:Tricktrax» mentioned the part with some porno. Yes, it includes a nice little mpeg anim, with s&m. And I don't really see the problem with that as most sceners have loads of porno pics. And if you look at the PC scene; well, they don't have anything else. But all in all the demo is great as the music, graphics and effects suits each other good. So I don't think »CL1:Tricktrax» had any rights to say it isn't worthy the label »CL4:"DEMO"». »PIC:Shade3» But to finish this article. I would just say that »CL8:Tricktrax»'s article is only based upon »CL3:ignorance». Get a grip dude..............»CL9:Fenriz/Cider» »CL6:A litlle note to »CL5:Ghandy/Gods». I'm not going to kill you or anything, since I said that you would be the first one to die. But I think you are the oldest scener.»